Category Archives: Skyrim

Visual Cortex: Skyrim for Intellivision?

Consider: They did a few AD&D games on the mighty Mattel Intellivision.  Bethesda Softworks’ Elder Scrolls series of RPGs goes back a loooong way.  Imagine if these two titans of history met…

(cue wavy lines)

source: Bridgit Scheide at Deviant Art.

(This article was originally posted to The Dot Eaters on Feb. 3, 2013)

Monday Meme: Skyrim on NES

If it’s Monday, it must be another video game retomeme:

Yesterday we posted an image of the massive open-world RPG Skyrim as an Intellivision cart.  That was pretty silly, heck a standard Intellivision cartridge only holds 4K of memory.  No, such an old system could never have run a Skyrim game.  Now, the NES on the other hand, there was an advanced console…

source: dangerousPyro via Cheez Burger

Skyrim Details Emerge has relayed some information gleaned from the official Skyrim forums, where a user has posted highlights from an preview of the game in the Official Xbox Magazine. Details include info on a couple of the new Dragonshout abilities in the game, one of which apparently slows down time, Matrix-style. Another interesting tid-bit is that creatures you stumble across while traversing the world, including dragons, won’t immediately give chase, unless you give them a reason to notice you.

The article contains spoilers on the storyline, but they are labelled and placed at the bottom, so you can safely read it up to that point.